

Burdach Prof. Dr. med. Stefan

Cancer in Children: What happens after the cure?

Progress in Therapy and Participation in School


Capurso Dott. Michele

Promoting Children’s Development through the Educational Work

(Created from Powerpoint, 2,3 MB)

Ehrich Prof. Dr. med. Jochen

The Child-Friendly Paediatric Health Care Model


Freisleder Prof. Dr. med. Franz Joseph

Mental Disorders in Children – What are the Solutions?


Führer Prof. Dr. med. Monika

The time remaining

Palliative Medicine and Education


Hillenbrand Prof. Dr. Clemens

School-based Prevention of Psychological Disorders


Hoanzl Dr. Martina

Hospital Teachers and their Pupils

Involvement and Entanglement in the Network of Education and Medicine


Hofacker, von Dr. med. Nikolaus

School-oriented Psychological Problems and their Treatment

How psychiatric is the psychosomatics of children and adolescents?


Oelsner Wolfgang

Education with Sick Children as Pedagogy in an Extreme Situation


Polzer Hans-Jörg

The Pedagogy of Deceleration

A Special Educational Challenge within the Framework of a Normal Life


Rohde Dr. med. Sabine

“Without words”

Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents


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Staatliche Schule für Kranke

Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


Förderverein Schule für Kranke München e.V.
Education and Culture DG
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.