Outlook Forums


The Further Development of Hospital Schools
in Europe

Elisabeth Meixner-Mücke
Headteacher - Hospital School Munich

The Ministry of Culture invited representatives of ministries from the German states, as well as educators, health professionals, academic teachers and officials from Germany and abroad, to address urgent issues related to
education during illness. Advances in medicine and the related changes in treatments, as well as a significantly improved quality of life for ill and injured children and adolescents require further development and expansion
of the scope of functions of hospital schools, which generally are not yet reflected in the ordinances of this type of school.
The following issues were discussed during two afternoons and ‘taken away’ as a stimulus for further elaboration:

Outlook Forum I

Counselling – Disadvantage Compensation – Follow-Up-Care

Erich Weigl, Ministerialrat Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture
Elisabeth Meixner-Mücke, Head of the Munich School for Sick Children
Bernhard Ruppert, Second Deputy Rector of the School for Special Needs, Munich School for Sick Children

Long stays in hospital for in-patient care are a thing of the past. Today medical treatment consists of a mixture of in-patient and out-patient care. Some with serious illnesses require lifelong medical and educational care.



Disadvantage Compensation
Illness can have serious consequences on a child‘s schooling. Up to now
disadvantage compensation has been granted arbitrarily on an individual
basis following rules for disability, and at times did not take essential
needs into consideration.


Follow-Up Care
With regard to inclusion, hospital schools should be considered as a fundamental
partner in the network of medicine, education, family and patient.
Obligatory follow-up – also on an educational level – for children and adolescents
with medical conditions must include:


Outlook Forum II

Personnel Resources – Schoolrooms – Teacher Training

Irene Schopf, Ministerialrätin Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture
Elisabeth Meixner-Mücke, Head of the Munich School for Sick Children

In a further aspect forum, Irene Schopf spoke with a group of national and international par-ticipants from the fields of education and medicine, school administration and school super-vision. Issues discussed here were the personnel and physical set-up of schools for the sick and teacher training for educating the sick.

Personnel Resources

In general, separate budgets for hospital schools were proposed which cover actual re-quirements. Necessary is the calculation of an allocation of hours for the extensive work related to counseling, including assessment and visits to the regular schools, in addition to the respective teaching load of the individual teachers. In comparison with the current level and in view of the changing tasks, the number of teacher-hours required in hospital schools needs to be increased. Additionally, key qualifications of hospital teachers must be clearly defined.
Hospital schools require, among other things:


Classrooms; Space requirements for schools in hospitals are adequately realized in few countries.
Hardly anywhere is there a list of specifications for hospital classrooms; some of the specifi-cations that do exist are insufficient. Hospitals and schools are often administered by different authorities, making collaboration quite difficult at times.


Teacher Training
The problems of children and adolescents with medical conditions are similar
throughout Europe. In this area especially, there could be excellent
collaboration in education and illness, both nationally and internationally.
A great deal of synergy could be expected from a network of the different
institutions, ministries, universities and local schools.


The common idea to guarantee and improve the care of sick children and
adolescents in hospital schools in every country resulted in a lively discussion
in both Outlook Forums. Par-ticipants greatly welcomed the idea of a
HOPE Summer School 2012/13 for the preparation of a European solution.

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Staatliche Schule für Kranke

Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


Förderverein Schule für Kranke München e.V.
Education and Culture DG
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.