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NomeProgramma/ Workshop
Kleuters Michel
05.11.2010 14:00 - 14:45 - Klinikum Schwabing

Profilo Professionale

A proposito di relatore

Profession M.Kleuters:  Manager of the national network ZIEZON which means \" Illnesses in relation to education\".

Cooperation in the workshop with: Mr. O. Mourik.

 Profession of mr. Mourik: Director of the \"Foundation for the education of sick child\'ren\" in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

He is also the author of the book \" The professional profile of the Hospital teacher\".

A proposito del workshop o conferenza

Based on the document \"the Professional profile of the Hospital Teacher\" as a guide for the Dutch Consulents ( Hospital Teachers) we want to examen the possiblilties to develope a Professional profile for the European Hospital Teacher.

This professional profile can lead to a european professional standard  as a base for qualification of the present  and future H.T.\'s.

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Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


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