Workshop, forum


Aulin Grete

Cooperation between Hospital Teachers and Home School Teachers


Becan Tanja

Parents as Partners


Beste Manuela

For the Best

A Participatory Arts Project


Brunnander Klas

Living Karaoke – Enjoy Some Music and Join the Band!

A Model for Involving Students in Hospital in a Performance as an Orchestra


Ceintrey Gilles

New Technologies - Workshop 3

Workshop 3 (NTICE)

(created from Powerpoint, 2,9 MB)

Dekkers Berry

Ziezon - Project Class Contact

Videconference for Chronic Ill Children in the Netherlands


Diallo Gudrun

Games of Musical Interaction in Group Lesson


Falk-Schalk Gerd

The Rights and Educational Needs of Sick Children and Adolescents


Fuchsenberger Sissi

Individual Development within the Framework of Project-orientated Teaching at the Hospital School of Heckscher Klinik, Department Rottmannshöhe


Gerber Dörthe

"Fair Brawl"

Options of Aggression Management


Glauz Ingrid

Video Conference at the State School for Ill Children Munich - a Project with Pupils


Grunditz Agneta
and Joelsson Lena

Children Document their Hospital Stays with Digital Camera


Häcker Werner

Accompaniment of grieving classes


Huber Wolfgang
and Schmidt Maria

Exploring the Hospital (Behind the Scenes)


Huber Andrea

Boundaries for Sick Children – Strong Parents – Strong Children


Huppert Dr. med. Rainer

Psychological disorders in juvenile offenders


Jones Caleb

Partnership with Education

What Value to Rehabilitation and Mental Health Services?


Kalmes Ulrike

Philosophising with Children - even in the Clinic!


Kalmes Ulrike

Visiting the hospital School, School for Sick Children Munich

Location: Kinderklinik München Schwabing, Haunersches Kinderspital München


Kleuters Michel

The Hospital Teacher

Report of Meeting HOPE Workshop 14


Lantzsch Fedor

Performing Magic Makes Sense

Magic Tricks in the Education of Ill Children and Young People


Lehnerer Sibylle
and Werner-Frommelt Annette, Wagner Rita

Mobile Special Needs Service and Ambulance Form

A Model with Future for the Psychiatry of Children and Adolescents


Lizasoain Olga

Child Life Programs

Integrating the Educational, Recreational and Emotional Needs


Meister Mona
and Voigt Elisabeth

Soluzione provvisoria - Home scolarizzazione

Frequenza scolastica alternata


Napp Christoph

Further Training for Clinicl School Teacher and Home School Teacher


Noterdaeme PD Dr. med. Michele

To Be or not to Be

The Autistic Enigma


Ramminger Edith

Project "On Hold"


Rieger Dr. med. Martin

Criminality und Violent Delinquency among Young Persons


Ruppert Bernhard

Cooperative Team Coaching - CTC


Rüth Dr. med. Ulrich
and Laurinck Birgit, Ettenreich-Koschinsky Angela

Supporting the Children of Mentally Ill Parents


Sanamyan Liana

Cooperation between Hospital/Special Educators and Home School Teachers


Seidel Dr. phil. Christa

Model for Interpreting Drawings and its Application in the Hospital School


Serenelli Dr. Marneo

"A School as a Friend" - A Tele-Teaching Project

(Created from Powerpoint, 430 kb)

Sherlock Marie

Managing Complex Medical Cases and Education


Sobanski Dr. med. Martin

Migration and Speech - Speech as Tool of Integration

What to do with Speech Disorder?


Tarquini Flavia
and Passoni Angela, Pertici Silvia

Project Hospital-School - Home-School

Collaboration between Monza Hospital School and the Local School – Evaluation of a Multiyear Experience


Teichert- von Lüttichau PD Dr. med. Irene

Reintegration of Children with Oncological Diseases into Mainstream Schoo

Attending Mainstream School with a Doctor


Walser Christine

Report about the Timsis Workshop 19

Teacher Special Needs Teacher


Walser Christine

“Fight or Flight” in Hospital

(Illness Related) Stress and its Effects on Learning


Weber Pia Anna
Aftercare of Truant Children and Adolescents

The Relevance of a Social-Psychological Perspective


Webster Tracey

Saving Minds and Bodies

Health and Education Working Together


Wittmann Dr. Helmut


Protezione dei bambini e degli adolescenti su Internet


Wolf Dr. med. Sebastian

Counseling and Attendance for Suicidal Children, Adolescents and their Parents


Wölfl Dr. Edith

Making Children Resilient


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Staatliche Schule für Kranke

Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


Förderverein Schule für Kranke München e.V.
Education and Culture DG
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