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NomeProgramma/ Workshop
Kuitunen Mika
04.11.2010 - - Heckscher-Klinikum

Anti-bullying (Arbeitstitel)

Powerpoint Presentation

A proposito del workshop o conferenza

School development process at Alava Hospital School (Kuopio, Finland)

power point presentation containing:

  • Basic information / facts of Alava School
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration among hospital wards, home schools and other stakeholders
  • The school as a resource centre 
    • Consultation services for home schools, other schools and parents
    • Model for preventing and controlling violent incidences at school
  • Pupil workshops. School is having action days / weeks where students learn by doing   (photographing, animation, outdoor adventures, first aid, ecology, recycling…)
  • Peer support group for parents
  • National anti-bullying project “Kiva-koulu”
  • etc.

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Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


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