Events List

Name Title (click for details) Reporting on Location Date Organiser
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska Inclusion of the environment into therapeutic, educational, and pastoral goals in a hospital school Book Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Poland 13/04/2016 Edited by Grzegorz Piekarski
Christine Walser Spitalschulen: “Das Beste für kranke Kinder” Article Switzerland 12/02/2016 News (online magazin of the CH-Stiftung, Switzerland)
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska Annual meeting of Polish HOPE members Meeting Poznań 18/09/2015 Hospital School no 110 in Poznań
Hele Täär Stepped-up support system in Finland. Training Tallinn, Estonia 15/06/2015 Estonian Association of Hospital Teachers
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska Hospital therapy is not only treatment and medication, but also education Article Słupsk, Poland 29/05/2015 Monika Zacharzewska, Głos Pomorza
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska A hospital school lesson about how the blind live and perceive the world Article Słupsk, Poland 15/05/2015 Monika Zacharzewska, Głos Pomorza
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska It is only children who know what they are looking for Conference Zabrze, Poland 11/03/2015 Hospital School, Zabrze
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska Fairytale carriage pulls up at the Słupsk Hospital Station Article Głos Dziennik Pomorza, Słupsk, Poland 13/12/2014 Monika Zacharzewska
Agneta Grunditz Newsletter Other Hollviken, Sweden 07/10/2014 Agneta Grunditz, editor, Board Member of HOPE
Agneta Grunditz Board Meeting of the Swedish Association for Hospital teachers, SSL, in Kalmar Meeting Kalmar, Sweden 19/09/2014 The Swedish Association of Hospital teachers
Monika Tóthné Almássy Looking for new ways in hospital teaching Conference Budapest, Hungary 18/06/2014 National Associoation of Hospital Teachers and ELTE University
Ivanka Gregurinčić Educating Hospitalized Children in Croatia in the Context of the European Union Conference Croatia, Zagreb 25/04/2014 Supported by Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency and under the patronage of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Mihai Benchea Together for a better education Project Stavanger, Norway 05/08/2013 Association P.A.V.E.L. and RKK – Rogaland Training and Education , Stavanger
Belén Ochoa Linacero (HOPE-SPAIN) HOSPITAL PEDAGOGY IN SPAIN “ON-LINE” Other Spain. Pamplona 08/10/2012 Belén Ochoa Linacero and Maite Gil Fernández
Bogdan Ionita Da+SK Project Bucharest, Romania 01/10/2012 Bogdan IONITA Product Designer, (University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”)
Belén Ochoa Linacero, Maite Gil Fernández y Belén Lara Pacheco La Unidad de Pedagogía Hospitalaria en ADI Other Cartagena-Murcia-Spain 06/07/2012 Consejerías de Educación y de Salud de la Comunidad de Murcia
Agneta Grunditz Information about HOPE Article Number 74- 79, 2012 10/06/2012 Agneta Grunditz and Klas Brunnander
Márta László e-Twinning in Göteborg Conference Hungary/Kiskőrös 04/05/2012 5th National Congress of Helping Professionals of Pediatric Hospitals
Avril Carey School Re-entry for children following Traumatic Brain Injury-An Irish Research Ireland (Dublin) 02/05/2012 Part fulfillment of a Masters Programme with Hibernia College of Education
Michele Capurso La lavagna sul comodino Conference Milano, Italy 27/04/2012 Ufficio scolastico Regionale – Lombardia
Mihai Benchea Hospital education conference Conference Bucharest 26/04/2012 Association of St Faustina Education centre and The Belgian NGO “NoName Child”
Agneta Grunditz Professional Development Workshop Conference Burgarden Congress Center, Gothenburg, Sweden 19/04/2012 International Agency, Sweden and HOPE- Sweden
Theodora Armenkova Afected rights of children with special educational needs Conference Bulgaria, Sotia 18/04/2012 Parents and school
Michele Capurso Il ponte del sorriso Conference Varese, Italy 20/01/2012 Associazione Il ponte del sorriso
Theodora Armenkova Publications ou school website WEB 19/01/2012 School
Maria Schmidt Munich Initiatives – M.A. qualification Project Germany & neigbouring countries 18/01/2012 HOPE Germany & Schule f Kranke Munich & others
Belén Ochoa Linacero “La atención educativa al alumnado de enfermedad: potencialidades y po Conference Murcia-Spain 16/01/2012 Consejerías de Educación y de Salud de la Comunidad de Murcia
Olga Lizasoain Pedagogía hospitalaria: compendio de una década Book e-book 20/12/2011 Ed. Sinindice
Márta László Grieving Process Article Hungary/Pécs 19/12/2011 Assosiation of Hungarian Hospital Teachers
Márta László HOPE Conference Münich Other Hungary/Budapest 15/12/2011 Heim Pál Paediatric Hospital
Tanja Becan The Sick Pupilis Heakhy Pupil Conference Pedaitric Hospizal, Ljubljana, Slovenija 07/10/2011 Ledna Hospital School, ljubljana, Slovenija
Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska Z wizytą w szwedzkiej szkole szpitalnej Article Gazeta Kaszubska 27.09.2011 27/09/2011 Katarzyna Wilucka-Haczkowska
Olga Lizasoain Annual Study Day of the Hospital Pedagogues Association of the French Conference Nivelles, Belgium 20/05/2011 Association des Pédagogues Hospitaliers de la Communauté française de Belgique
Agneta Grunditz Congress for Hospital Teachers Conference S:t Gertrud Congress Center, Malmo 17/05/2011 The Swedish Hospital Teachers’ Association and Malmo
Márta László HOPE Congress 2010 Münich Conference Hungary/Debrecen 14/04/2011 4th National Congress of Helping Professionals of Paeditris Hospitals
Mihai Benchea National Conference – Updates on the pediatric oncology Conference Bucharest 09/04/2011 Association PAVEL and Romanian Society of Pediatric Oncology
Maria Schmidt What do EPA, HOPE and EPPOSI have in common? Article Germany 01/04/2011 EPA / UNEPSA newsletter
Hele Täär “The Health Problems of Children in School” WEB Estonia, Tartu 15/03/2011 Merike Mändla (Estonian Ministry of Education and Science)
Olga Lizasoain “Itinerario de navegación del paciente con cáncer” (navigation route) Project Barcelona 01/02/2011 Foundation Joan Laporte
Anastazija Vitkauskiene Impressions from HOPE congress 2010 Other Vilnius 18/01/2011 Loreta Naujikiene, Deputy headmistress of the Centre
Genovaite Petrauskiene 2 articles for HOPE’s Newsletter 2011/01 and 2011/2 Article HOPE’s Newsletters 02/01/2011 Headmistress of the Centre
Márta László HOPE Congress 2010 Münnich Article Hungary/Pécs 11/12/2010 “Empátia” The journal of the assosiation of Hungarian Hospital Teachers
Belén Ochoa Linacero, Alfonso Osorio, Ana María Plenge, Iraitz Arzak and Maite Gil A systematic observation guide of signs of childhood depression. Other Spain. Pamplona 04/11/2010 Belén Ochoa Linacero, Alfonso Osorio, Ana María Plenge, Iraitz Arzak and Maite Gil
Maria Schmidt The Sick Child – Supported by a Network of Education and Medicine Conference Munich, Germany 03/11/2010 HOPE Germany & Schule f Kranke Munich & Schule a d Heckscher Klinik Munich
Raquel Artuch Garde and Belén Ochoa Linacero The unit of hospital pedagogy and volunteering: “a project come true” Other Spain. Pamplona 03/11/2010 Raquel Artuch Garde and Belén Ochoa Linacero
Simone Rau / Christine Walser “Wenn die Schule ins Spital kommt” Article Tages-Anzeiger (one of the most important daily newspapers, especially covering the area of Zurich) 15/04/2010 A parlamentarian and I as a hospital teacher took actions in order to solve the problem of financing hospital schools