Technology in Education and 3D Printing

Technology in Education and 3D Printing
Schneider Educational Center, Israel

The use of technology in hospital education is an important tool that allows continued
learning and development for children undergoing long-term or short-term treatment.
The implementation of innovative technologies for this purpose ranges from basic
technological equipment to interactive learning, social robots, computational thinking,
and 3D printing. This technology enables hospitalized children to maintain contact with
the educational framework and friends, and to continue learning and feeling part of an
educational community.

In an era where technology and innovation are at the forefront, there is great importance
in interactive and experiential learning for children. This learning allows children to
continue their developmental and educational process and to maintain a relatively
normal routine.


Interactive learning allows children to be exposed to and experience educational
content in a way that involves the senses and feelings, especially when dealing with
their challenging, daily experiences as part of their hospitalization.

The use of 3D printing in education in children’s hospitals, as part of enriching and
experiential learning, allows them to learn and create using innovative technology, with
which they can build various educational outputs.

We believe that at our educational center the use of 3D printing enables hospitalized
children to turn ideas and dreams into physical reality while undergoing a process of
creative thinking and problem-solving. This tool strengthens the curiosity, creativity, and
autonomy of the child, while simultaneously learning, engineering, sciences, art, and
mathematics – important areas sometimes referred to as STEM.
The use of 3D printing in our hospital gives the children the opportunity to continue
developing and learning despite their challenges and difficulties encountered by their
hospitalization. The ability to create and bring ideas to “life” provides a sense of
success, achievement and empowering.

Lilach Svidersky
ICT & Technology coordinator at the Schneider Educational Center, Israel

Maskit Gilan Shochat
Head of the Schneider Educational Center, Israel

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